001    package edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.code;
003    import edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes.CodeAttributeInfo;
004    import edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.code.instructions.AInstruction;
005    import edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.code.instructions.LineNumberTable;
006    import edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool.ConstantPool;
008    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
009    import java.io.IOException;
010    import java.util.LinkedList;
011    import java.util.ArrayList;
013    /**
014     * Represents a list of Java instructions.
015     *
016     * @author Mathias Ricken
017     */
018    public class InstructionList {
019        LinkedList<AInstruction> _instructionList = new LinkedList<AInstruction>();
020        protected int _index;
021        LineNumberTable _lnt;
023        /**
024         * Constructor.
025         *
026         * @param code bytecode
027         */
028        public InstructionList(byte[] code) {
029            setCode(code);
030            _index = 0;
031        }
033        /**
034         * Copy constructor.
035         *
036         * @param original original
037         */
038        public InstructionList(InstructionList original) {
039            _instructionList.addAll(original._instructionList);
040            _index = original._index;
041            _lnt = original._lnt;
042        }
044        /**
045         * Constructor.
046         *
047         * @param code  bytecode
048         * @param index program index.
049         *
050         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
051         */
052        public InstructionList(byte[] code, int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
053            this(code);
054            setIndex(index);
055        }
057        /**
058         * Return a human-readable version of the code.
059         *
060         * @return mnemonics
061         */
062        public String toString() {
063            return toString(true, true, null);
064        }
066        /**
067         * Return a human-readable version of the code.
068         * @param cp constant pool
069         * @return mnemonics
070         */
071        public String toString(ConstantPool cp) {
072            return toString(true, true, cp);
073        }
075        /**
076         * Return a human-readable version of the code.
077         *
078         * @param lineNumbers print line numbers
079         * @param PCs print PC values
080         * @param cp constant pool, or null if not verbose
081         * @return mnemonics
082         */
083        public String toString(boolean lineNumbers, boolean PCs, ConstantPool cp) {
084            StringBuilder x = new StringBuilder();
086            int index = 0;
087            int pc = 0;
088            for(AInstruction instr : _instructionList) {
089                if (lineNumbers) {
090                    x.append(String.format("%5d", new Object[]{new Integer(index)}));
091                    if (PCs) {
092                        x.append(' ');
093                    }
094                    else {
095                        x.append(": ");
096                    }
097                }
098                if (PCs) {
099                    x.append(String.format("(pc %5d): ", new Object[]{new Integer(pc)}));
100                }
101                if ((!lineNumbers) && (!PCs)) {
102                    x.append("        ");
103                }
104                if (cp!=null) {
105                    x.append(instr.toStringVerbose(cp));
106                }
107                else {
108                    x.append(instr.toString());
109                }
110                x.append("\n");
111                pc += instr.getBytecodeLength(pc);
112                ++index;
113            }
115            return x.toString();
116        }
118        /**
119         * Accessor for the bytecode.
120         *
121         * @return bytecode
122         *
123         * @throws IllegalStateException
124         */
125        public byte[] getCode() throws IllegalStateException {
126            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
127            int pc = 0;
128            for(AInstruction instr : _instructionList) {
129                byte[] b = instr.getBytecode(pc, _lnt);
130                try {
131                    baos.write(b);
132                }
133                catch(IOException e) {
134                    throw new IllegalStateException("Could not generate bytecode", e);
135                }
137                pc += b.length;
138            }
140            return baos.toByteArray();
141        }
143        /**
144         * Mutator for the bytecode. This also resets the program counter to 0.
145         *
146         * @param code bytecode
147         */
148        public void setCode(byte[] code) {
149            _lnt = new LineNumberTable(code);
151            int pc = 0;
152            _instructionList = new LinkedList<AInstruction>();
153            while(pc < code.length) {
154                // make instruction and add it
155                _instructionList.addLast(AInstruction.makeInstruction(code, pc, pc, _lnt));
157                pc += Opcode.getInstrSize(code, pc);
158            }
159            if (pc != code.length) {
160                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bytecode length");
161            }
162            _index = 0;
163        }
165        /**
166         * Accessor for the program index.
167         *
168         * @return program index
169         */
170        public int getIndex() {
171            return _index;
172        }
174        /**
175         * Calculate the PC for an index.
176         *
177         * @param index index
178         *
179         * @return PC
180         */
181        public int getPCFromIndex(int index) {
182            int pc = 0;
183            for(int i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
184                pc += _instructionList.get(i).getBytecodeLength(pc);
185            }
187            return pc;
188        }
190        /**
191         * Get the length of the instruction list.
192         *
193         * @return length
194         */
195        public int getLength() {
196            return _instructionList.size();
197        }
199        /**
200         * Mutator for the program index.
201         *
202         * @param index new program index
203         *
204         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
205         */
206        public void setIndex(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException {
207            if ((index < 0) || (index >= _instructionList.size())) {
208                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
209                    "The program index (" + index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
210            }
212            _index = index;
213        }
215        /**
216         * Advance the program index by multiple instructions.
217         * @param count number of instructions
218         * @return true while the end of the instruction list has not been reached
219         */
220        public boolean advanceIndex(int count) {
221            while(count>0) {
222                if (!advanceIndex()) {
223                    return false;
224                }
225                --count;
226            }
227            return true;
228        }
230        /**
231         * Advance the program index to the next instruction.
232         *
233         * @return true while the end of the instruction list has not been reached
234         */
235        public boolean advanceIndex() {
236            if (_index < 0) {
237                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
238                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
239            }
240            if (_index < _instructionList.size()) {
241                ++_index;
242            }
243            return (_index < _instructionList.size());
244        }
246        /**
247         * Rewind the program index by multiple instructions.
248         * @param count number of instructions
249         * @return true while the beginning of the instruction list has not been reached
250         */
251        public boolean rewindIndex(int count) {
252            while(count>0) {
253                if (!rewindIndex()) {
254                    return false;
255                }
256                --count;
257            }
258            return true;
259        }
261        /**
262         * Rewind the program index to the previous instruction.
263         *
264         * @return true while the beginning of the instruction list has not been reached
265         */
266        public boolean rewindIndex() {
267            if (_index < 0) {
268                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
269                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
270            }
271            if (_index > 0) {
272                --_index;
273            }
274            return (_index > 0);
275        }
277        /**
278         * Return the opcode at the program index.
279         *
280         * @return opcode at program index
281         */
282        public byte getOpcode() {
283            if ((_index < 0) || (_index >= _instructionList.size())) {
284                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
285                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
286            }
287            return _instructionList.get(_index).getOpcode();
288        }
290        /**
291         * Return the instruction at the program index. This includes the code and the operands.
292         *
293         * @return instruction at program index
294         */
295        public AInstruction getInstr() {
296            if ((_index < 0) || (_index >= _instructionList.size())) {
297                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
298                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
299            }
301            return _instructionList.get(_index);
302        }
304        /**
305         * This method deletes the instruction at the program index. It also relocates all jumps. All jumps to places after
306         * the deletion point will be changed so that they still point to the same instruction. Jumps to the deletion point
307         * or to places before it are not changed. The index will remain unchanged. In case the program counter is past the
308         * end of the code block, false will be returned. If codeAttribute is non-null, the PCs in the CodeAttribute will be
309         * adjusted.
310         *
311         * @param codeAttribute CodeAttribute that contains this code block, or null if none
312         *
313         * @return true while the end of the code block has not been reached
314         */
315        public boolean deleteInstr(CodeAttributeInfo codeAttribute) {
316            if ((_index < 0) || (_index >= _instructionList.size())) {
317                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
318                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
319            }
321            byte[] oldCode = getCode();
322            int deletionPoint = _index;
324            // walk through all instructions and relocate jumps
325            InstructionList oldCodeBlock = new InstructionList(oldCode);
326            do {
327                if (Opcode.isBranch(oldCodeBlock.getOpcode())) {
328                    // this is a branch, so we might have to relocate
329                    int[] branchTargets = oldCodeBlock.getInstr().getBranchTargets();
330                    for(int i = 0; i < branchTargets.length; ++i) {
331                        // Debug.out.println("insertInstr: DP = "+deletionPoint+", PC="+oldCodeBlock.getPC()+", BT="+branchTargets[i]);
332                        if ((branchTargets[i] > deletionPoint) || (branchTargets[i] == oldCodeBlock.getLength() - 1)) {
333                            // the target of this instruction was the insertion point or somewhere past it
334                            // we need to relocate
335                            --branchTargets[i];
337                            // Debug.out.println("\tnew BT="+branchTargets[i]);
338                        }
339                    }
340                    oldCodeBlock.getInstr().setBranchTargets(branchTargets);
341                }
342            } while(oldCodeBlock.advanceIndex());
344            oldCodeBlock._instructionList.remove(deletionPoint);
345            oldCodeBlock._lnt = new LineNumberTable(oldCodeBlock);
346            byte[] newCode = oldCodeBlock.getCode();
348            if (codeAttribute != null) {
349                // adjust CodeAttribute PCs
350                codeAttribute.translatePC(deletionPoint, -1, _lnt, oldCodeBlock._lnt);
351            }
353            // transfer the code
354            setCode(newCode);
356            if (deletionPoint == getLength()) {
357                _index = getLength();
358                return false;
359            }
360            else {
361                setIndex(deletionPoint);
362                return true;
363            }
364        }
367        /**
368         * This method inserts the instruction at the program counter. The instruction currently at the program counter will
369         * be pushed towards the end of the bytecode array. It also relocates all jumps. Jumps to the insertion point or to
370         * places before it are not changed. Jumps to all other places will be changed so that they still point to the same
371         * instruction. That means that jumps to the instruction previously at the insertion point will now jump to the
372         * newly inserted instruction. If codeAttribute is non-null, the PCs in the CodeAttribute will be adjusted. The
373         * program counter will remain unchanged. If the inserted instruction itself contains jump targets, these will be
374         * relocated as well. Notice, though, that if the instruction contains a jump exactly to the insertion point, this
375         * jump will be relocated so that it points to the old instruction (this is the behavior of insertBeforeInstr).
376         * <p/>
377         * Assume the following code:
378         * 1. a
379         * 2. b
380         * 3. c
381         * 4. goto 1 // jump to place before insertion point
382         * 5. goto 2 // jump to insertion point
383         * 6. goto 3 // junp to place after insertion point
384         * The program counter is currently at 2, and the instruction x is inserted using insertInstr. The result is:
385         * 1. a
386         * 2. x // inserted
387         * 3. b
388         * 4. c
389         * 5. goto 1 // not changed
390         * 6. goto 2 // not changed
391         * 7. goto 4 // changed
392         * <p/>
393         * Relocation of branches in the instruction inserted.
394         * Type   : jump to place before insertion point
395         * Action : not changed
396         * Example; goto 1 --> goto 1
397         *
398         * Type   : jump to insertion point
399         * Action : changed
400         * Example; goto 2 --> goto 3
402         * Type   : jump to place after instruction point
403         * Action : changed
404         * Example; goto 3 --> goto 4
405         *
406         * @param codeAttribute CodeAttribute that contains this code block, or null if none
407         * @param instr         instruction to be inserted
408         */
409        public void insertInstr(AInstruction instr, CodeAttributeInfo codeAttribute) {
410            byte[] oldCode = getCode();
411            int insertionPoint = _index;
413            // walk through all instructions and relocate jumps
414            InstructionList oldCodeBlock = new InstructionList(oldCode);
415            do {
416                if (Opcode.isBranch(oldCodeBlock.getOpcode())) {
417                    // this is a branch, so we might have to relocate
418                    AInstruction relocInstr = oldCodeBlock.getInstr();
419                    int ip = insertionPoint;
420                    relocateBranches(relocInstr, ip);
421                }
422            } while(oldCodeBlock.advanceIndex());
424            // relocate instruction to be inserted
425            if (Opcode.isBranch(instr.getOpcode())) {
426                // this is a branch, so we might have to relocate
427                relocateBranches(instr, insertionPoint-1);
428            }
430            oldCodeBlock._instructionList.add(insertionPoint, instr);
431            oldCodeBlock._lnt = new LineNumberTable(oldCodeBlock);
432            byte[] newCode = oldCodeBlock.getCode();
434            if (codeAttribute != null) {
435                // adjust CodeAttribute PCs
436                codeAttribute.translatePC(insertionPoint, 1, _lnt, oldCodeBlock._lnt);
437            }
439            // transfer the code
440            setCode(newCode);
441            setIndex(insertionPoint);
442        }
444        /**
445         * Relocate branches in the instruction. If a branch target is to somewhere past the insertion point, it is
446         * increased by one.
447         * @param relocInstr instruction whose branches should be relocated
448         * @param ip insertion point
449         */
450        protected void relocateBranches(AInstruction relocInstr, int ip) {
451            int[] branchTargets = relocInstr.getBranchTargets();
452            for(int i = 0; i < branchTargets.length; ++i) {
453                // Debug.out.println("insertInstr: DP = "+deletionPoint+", PC="+oldCodeBlock.getPC()+", BT="+branchTargets[i]);
454                if (branchTargets[i] > ip) {
455                    // the target of this instruction was somewhere past the insertion point
456                    // we need to relocate
457                    ++branchTargets[i];
459                    // Debug.out.println("\tnew BT="+branchTargets[i]);
460                }
461            }
462            relocInstr.setBranchTargets(branchTargets);
463        }
465        /**
466         * This method inserts the instruction before the program counter. The instruction currently at the program counter
467         * will be pushed towards the end of the bytecode array. It also relocates all jumps. Jumps to places before the
468         * insertion point are not changed. Jumps to all other places will be changed so that they still point to the same
469         * instruction. That means that jumps to the instruction previously at the insertion point will still jump to the
470         * old instruction. If codeAttribute is non-null, the PCs in the CodeAttribute will be adjusted. The
471         * program counter will remain unchanged. If the inserted instruction itself contains jump targets, these will be
472         * relocated as well.
473         * <p/>
474         * Assume the following code:
475         * 1. a
476         * 2. b
477         * 3. c
478         * 4. goto 1 // jump to place before insertion point
479         * 5. goto 2 // jump to insertion point
480         * 6. goto 3 // junp to place after insertion point
481         * The program counter is currently at 2, and the instruction x is inserted using insertBeforeInstr. The result is:
482         * 1. a
483         * 2. x // inserted
484         * 3. b
485         * 4. c
486         * 5. goto 1 // not changed
487         * 6. goto 3 // changed
488         * 7. goto 4 // changed
489         * <p/>
490         * Relocation of branches in the instruction inserted.
491         * Type   : jump to place before insertion point
492         * Action : not changed
493         * Example; goto 1 --> goto 1
494         *
495         * Type   : jump to insertion point
496         * Action : changed
497         * Example; goto 2 --> goto 3
499         * Type   : jump to place after instruction point
500         * Action : changed
501         * Example; goto 3 --> goto 4
502         *
503         * @param codeAttribute CodeAttribute that contains this code block, or null if none
504         * @param instr         instruction to be inserted
505         */
506        public void insertBeforeInstr(AInstruction instr, CodeAttributeInfo codeAttribute) {
507            byte[] oldCode = getCode();
508            int insertionPoint = _index;
510            // walk through all instructions and relocate jumps
511            InstructionList oldCodeBlock = new InstructionList(oldCode);
512            do {
513                if (Opcode.isBranch(oldCodeBlock.getOpcode())) {
514                    // this is a branch, so we might have to relocate
515                    AInstruction relocInstr = oldCodeBlock.getInstr();
516                    relocateBranches(relocInstr, insertionPoint-1);
517                }
518            } while(oldCodeBlock.advanceIndex());
520            // relocate instruction to be inserted
521            if (Opcode.isBranch(instr.getOpcode())) {
522                // this is a branch, so we might have to relocate
523                relocateBranches(instr, insertionPoint-1);
524            }
526            oldCodeBlock._instructionList.add(insertionPoint, instr);
527            oldCodeBlock._lnt = new LineNumberTable(oldCodeBlock);
528            byte[] newCode = oldCodeBlock.getCode();
530            if (codeAttribute != null) {
531                // adjust CodeAttribute PCs
532                codeAttribute.translatePC(insertionPoint-1, 1, _lnt, oldCodeBlock._lnt);
533            }
535            // transfer the code
536            setCode(newCode);
537            setIndex(insertionPoint);
538        }
540        /**
541         * Finds the next instruction with the specified opcode and moves the program counter there. If the current
542         * instruction matches the opcode, the program counter will not be changed. This means that the caller is
543         * responsible for advancing the program counter after a match has been found!
544         *
545         * @param opcode opcode to find
546         *
547         * @return true while the end of the code block has not been reached
548         */
549        public boolean findOpcode(byte opcode) {
550            return findOpcode(new byte[] {opcode});
551        }
553        /**
554         * Finds the next instruction with one of the specified opcodes and moves the program counter there. If the current
555         * instruction matches one of the opcodes, the program counter will not be changed. This means that the caller is
556         * responsible for advancing the program counter after a match has been found!
557         *
558         * @param opcodes array of opcodes to find
559         *
560         * @return true while the end of the code block has not been reached
561         */
562        public boolean findOpcode(byte[] opcodes) {
563            if (_index < 0) {
564                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
565                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
566            }
567            if (_index == _instructionList.size()) {
568                // past end already
569                return false;
570            }
571            ArrayList<Byte> opcodeList = new ArrayList<Byte>(opcodes.length);
572            for(byte o: opcodes) {
573                opcodeList.add(o);
574            }
575            do {
576                if (opcodeList.contains(getOpcode())) {
577                    return true;
578                }
579            } while(advanceIndex());
580            return false;
581        }
583        /**
584         * Finds the next instruction that matches the specified instruction completely and moves the program counter there.
585         * A complete match requires that both the opcode and all the operands are identical. If the current instruction
586         * matches already, the program counter will not be changed. This means that the caller is responsible for advancing
587         * the program counter after a match has been found!
588         *
589         * @param instr instruction to find
590         *
591         * @return true while the end of the code block has not been reached
592         */
593        public boolean findInstruction(AInstruction instr) {
594            return findInstruction(new AInstruction[] {instr});
595        }
596        /**
597         * Finds the next instruction that matches one of the specified instructions completely and moves the program counter there.
598         * A complete match requires that both the opcode and all the operands are identical. If the current instruction
599         * matches already, the program counter will not be changed. This means that the caller is responsible for advancing
600         * the program counter after a match has been found!
601         *
602         * @param instrs instructions to find
603         *
604         * @return true while the end of the code block has not been reached
605         */
606        public boolean findInstruction(AInstruction[] instrs) {
607            if (_index < 0) {
608                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
609                    "The program index (" + _index + ") is not within the instruction list (length=" + _instructionList.size() + ")");
610            }
611            if (_index == _instructionList.size()) {
612                // past end already
613                return false;
614            }
615            ArrayList<AInstruction> instrList = new ArrayList<AInstruction>(instrs.length);
616            for(AInstruction o: instrs) {
617                instrList.add(o);
618            }
619            do {
620                if (instrList.contains(getInstr())) {
621                    return true;
622                }
623            } while(advanceIndex());
624            return false;
625        }
627        /**
628         * Return true if this instruction list and the other object are equal.
629         *
630         * @param o other object
631         *
632         * @return true if equal
633         */
634        public boolean equals(Object o) {
635            if (this == o) {
636                return true;
637            }
638            if (!(o instanceof InstructionList)) {
639                return false;
640            }
642            final InstructionList instructionList = (InstructionList)o;
644            if (!_instructionList.equals(instructionList._instructionList)) {
645                return false;
646            }
648            return true;
649        }
651        /**
652         * Return hash code.
653         *
654         * @return hash code
655         */
656        public int hashCode() {
657            return _instructionList.hashCode();
658        }
659    }