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Design Patterns for Parsing
During the fall of 2004, Dr. Dung Nguyen, Dr. Stephen Wong, and I developed an object-oriented formulation of predictive recursive descent parsing. The paper has been accepted to the SIGCSE 2005 conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, February 23-27, 2005, and was published in the conference proceedings. The presentation was on Saturday, February 27.
We provide a systematic transformation of an LL(1) grammar to an object model
that consists of
We present a variant form of the visitor pattern and apply it to the above
union of token classes to model a predictive recursive descent parser on the
given grammar. Parsing a non-terminal is represented by a visitor to the tokens.
For non-terminals that have more than one production rule, the corresponding
visitors are chained together according to the chain of responsibility pattern
in order to be processed correctly by a valid token. The abstract factory pattern,
where each concrete factory corresponds to a non-terminal symbol, is used to
manufacture appropriate parsing visitors. Here are the paper and the presentation: Presentation: Design Patterns for Recursive Descent Parsing. Kooprey: Automatic Parser Generator Our formulation of the parser is very easy and systematic. We demonstrate this in a simple parser generator called Kooprey. A kouprey is a Cambodian forest ox, Bos sauveli, which is in the same genus as the yak. Our misspelling suggests that the parser is object-oriented.
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