Uses of Class

Packages that use APoolInfo

Uses of APoolInfo in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile that return APoolInfo
 APoolInfo ClassFile.getConstantPoolItem(int index)
          Return a constant pool item from this class.

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile with parameters of type APoolInfo
 int[] ClassFile.addConstantPoolItems(APoolInfo[] items)
          Add new items to the constant pool.

Uses of APoolInfo in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes

Fields in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes declared as APoolInfo
(package private)  APoolInfo AAnnotationsAttributeInfo.Annotation.ConstantMemberValue.constValue
          Constant value.
 APoolInfo InnerClassesAttributeInfo.InnerClassesRecord.innerClass
 APoolInfo InnerClassesAttributeInfo.InnerClassesRecord.innerName
 APoolInfo InnerClassesAttributeInfo.InnerClassesRecord.outerClass

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes that return APoolInfo
 APoolInfo ConstantValueAttributeInfo.getConstantValue()
          Return the constant value information.
 APoolInfo AAnnotationsAttributeInfo.Annotation.ConstantMemberValue.getConstValue()
          Accessor for the constant value.

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes with parameters of type APoolInfo
 void ConstantValueAttributeInfo.setConstantValue(APoolInfo newConst)
          Set the constant value information.

Constructors in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.attributes with parameters of type APoolInfo
AAnnotationsAttributeInfo.Annotation.ConstantMemberValue(char tag, APoolInfo constValue)
          Creates a new constant value.
InnerClassesAttributeInfo.InnerClassesRecord(APoolInfo innerClass, APoolInfo outerClass, APoolInfo innerName, short innerFlags)

Uses of APoolInfo in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool

Subclasses of APoolInfo in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool
 class AClassNameTypePoolInfo
          Represents an object in the constant pool described by class and name-and-type.
 class ASCIIPoolInfo
          Represents CONSTANT_Utf8_ASCII data in the constant pool.
 class AUTFPoolInfo
          Represents UTF data in the constant pool.
 class ClassPoolInfo
          Represents a class in the constant pool.
 class DoublePoolInfo
          Represents a double in the constant pool.
 class EmptyPoolInfo
          Represents an empty slot in the constant pool.
 class FieldPoolInfo
          Represents a field in the constant pool.
 class FloatPoolInfo
          Represents a float in the constant pool.
 class IntegerPoolInfo
          Represents an integer in the constant pool.
 class InterfaceMethodPoolInfo
          Represents a method in the constant pool.
 class LongPoolInfo
          Represents a long in the constant pool.
 class MethodPoolInfo
          Represents a method in the constant pool.
 class NameAndTypePoolInfo
          Represents a name-and-type object in the constant pool.
 class StringPoolInfo
          Represents a string in the constant pool.
 class UnicodePoolInfo
          Represents Unicode data in the constant pool.

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool that return APoolInfo
 APoolInfo APoolInfo.inPool(ConstantPool pool)
          Return the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.
static APoolInfo dis, ConstantPool cp)
          Read from stream and return unresolved constant pool object.

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool with parameters of type APoolInfo
 short ConstantPool.indexOf(APoolInfo item)
          Return the index of the pool item in the pool.

Constructor parameters in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool with type arguments of type APoolInfo
ConstantPool(java.util.Collection<? extends APoolInfo> aPoolInfos)
          Constructs a constant pool containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator.

Uses of APoolInfo in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool.visitors

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool.visitors that return APoolInfo
 APoolInfo CheckUTFOrEmptyVisitor.asciizCase(ASCIIPoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          Return host.
 APoolInfo CheckClassOrEmptyVisitor.classCase(ClassPoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          Return host.
 APoolInfo CheckClassOrEmptyVisitor.emptyCase(EmptyPoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          Return host.
 APoolInfo CheckUTFOrEmptyVisitor.emptyCase(EmptyPoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          Return host.
 APoolInfo CheckUTFOrEmptyVisitor.unicodeCase(UnicodePoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          Return host.

Methods in edu.rice.cs.cunit.classFile.constantPool.visitors with parameters of type APoolInfo
abstract  R ADefaultPoolInfoVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, D param)
          Abstract default case.
 R NoOpPoolInfoVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, D param)
          No operation default case.
 ClassPoolInfo CheckClassOrEmptyVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 ClassPoolInfo CheckClassVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 LongPoolInfo CheckLongVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 MethodPoolInfo CheckMethodVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 NameAndTypePoolInfo CheckNameAndTypeVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 AUTFPoolInfo CheckUTFOrEmptyVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 AUTFPoolInfo CheckUTFVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases throw.
 java.lang.Integer GetPoolInfoSizeVisitor.defaultCase(APoolInfo host, java.lang.Object o)
          All other cases return 1.
abstract  R AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor.refCase(APoolInfo host, D param)
          Abstract default reference case.
abstract  R AValueReferencePoolInfoVisitor.valueCase(APoolInfo host, D param)
          Abstract default value case.